Editorial Policies
Corrections/Fact Checking Policy
Drug Discovery News’ (DDN) content is edited and directed by a team of PhD-trained science writers who work diligently to fact check and ensure that each story, infographic, podcast, video, and article is accurate. In the event of an error or misattribution, we will correct it as soon as possible and post a dated correction, clarification, or editor’s note near the bottom of the article. If a mistake occurs in a story that first appeared in the print magazine, we will also publish a correction notice in the table of contents of the next possible issue. If you detect an error in one of our articles, please email DDN’s content director, Kristie Nybo, at nybo@drugdiscoverynews.com. Corrections are made at the discretion of DDN’s editorial staff.
Comment Policy
Comments posted to DDN’s Facebook page, Twitter account, YouTube account, Instagram account, and to the Infectious Disease Network Facebook page will be moderated by a member of the editorial team soon after they appear on those sites.
Comments will be removed from these sites immediately for these reasons:
a) are abusive
b) are libelous
c) contain ad hominem attacks
d) contain spam, including irrelevant links to commercial websites
e) are off-topic
g) promote hate of any kind
h) contain profanity
Readers or other interested parties may alert the staff to a potential problem with a particular comment, but the final decision to remove that comment will be made by DDN.
We reserve the right to edit, delete, move, or mark any comment as spam. We also retain the right to block access for anyone who comments inappropriately on our sites.
All comments are the responsibility of the commenter, not DDN or its site administrator, contributor, editor, or author. By submitting a comment to our sites, you agree that the comment content is your own, and to hold www.drugdiscoverynews.com and all subsidiaries and representatives harmless from any and all repercussions, damages, or liability.
Ethics Policy
DDN adheres to widely accepted journalism ethics and practices. The editorial staff remains separate from the brand’s commercial activities and creates content independent of input from advertisers, sponsors, marketers, or salespeople. Author conflicts of interest are avoided or declared clearly.
Ownership/Funding Statement
Drug Discovery News is a US-based publication for life science professionals dedicated to covering translational, preclinical, and clinical research. DDN is owned by LabX Media Group (LMG), a leading worldwide science publishing company that delivers meaningful industry content and integrated marketing solutions for the scientific community. LMG’s brands and product solutions deliver trusted, timely, and in-depth information across print and digital products to empower our customers and advance their research. LMG is headquartered in Midland, Ontario, Canada and employs more than 185 staff across Canada, the US, and the UK.
DDN is funded by advertising sales for our print magazine and website. Other revenue sources include custom publishing projects such as sponsored webinars, videos, infographics, posters, ebooks, and whitepapers, which are created by our Custom Content Team.