A 3D illustration of the tumor microenvironment showing a cluster of purple cancer cells surrounded by blue immune cells

How aging affects the tumor microenvironment 

Understand how the tumor microenvironment changes with age and contributes to cancer progression.

Cancer progresses more rapidly with age. Aging brings about alternated cellular functions, disrupted cell-cell interactions, and weakened immune responses within the tumor microenvironment (TME). A deeper understanding of these changes observed in mice may unlock new ways to target aging’s effects in cancer therapies.

In this 20-minute video, you’ll learn

  • How does the aged TME promote T cell and dendritic cell dysfunction?
  • How can mouse models help uncover immune dysfunction mechanisms in the aged TME?
  • What are the cytokine changes in the aged TME?
  • Can the aged TME be reinvigorated?

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