The Role of Noncoding DNA in Cancer

The Role of Noncoding DNA in Cancer

Intronic DNA sequences are promising targets for developing anti-cancer therapeutics.

Once considered junk DNA, the role of noncoding DNA in health and disease is becoming more widely recognized.  Mutations in  intronic DNA sequences may disrupt normal gene function, leading to cell cycle dysregulation and cancer. In this webinar, Jiyue Zhu and Felix Dietlein will discuss strategies for exploring noncoding DNA function during cancer pathogenesis.

Topics to be covered

  • Regulating the human telomerase gene with repetitive DNA sequences
  • Defining somatic mutations in the noncoding genome and their associations with cancer

Friday, October 7th, 2022 | 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar will be available to view live and on demand.


Jiyue Zhu, PhD

Jiyue Zhu, PhD

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Washington State University College of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Felix Dietlein, MD, PhD

Felix Dietlein, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor
Harvard Medical School
Computational Health Informatics Program, Boston Children's Hospital

Supported by

  • Sysmex
  • Analytik Jena

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