A 3D illustration of a molecular structure that uses a ball-and-stick model to show the spatial arrangement of atoms and the bonds connecting them

Accelerating drug discovery with synthetic chemistry advances

New chemical synthesis technologies speed up the identification and optimization of promising drug candidates.

Advancing drug discovery pipelines requires efficient synthesis and selection of promising candidates. Integrating cutting-edge chemical synthesis technologies, such as automation, robotics, parallelization, and scale-up capabilities, has become crucial for driving this process forward. These innovations streamline the synthesis and testing of drug compounds, enabling rapid structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies and quickening the path from hit identification to candidate selection. In this webinar brought to you by Eurofins Scientific, Matthew Horwitz will discuss strategies to advance drug discovery programs of small molecules and emerging modalities such as proteolysis targeting chimeras and antibody-drug conjugates. 

Topics to be covered

  • Employing automation, parallelization, and scale-up technologies for rapid compound synthesis and effective SAR analysis
  • Creative strategies to solve synthetic challenges and optimize lead candidates 

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar will be available to view live and on demand.


Matthew Horwitz, PhD

Matthew Horwitz, PhD

Project Manager and Head of Scale-up Laboratory
Eurofins Discovery

Sponsored by

  • Eurofins Discovery

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