Founded in the 1950s, Research Organics was a pioneer inmanufacturing zwitterionic biological buffers and developing the HEPES bufferas an industry standard. Research Organics is now a supplier of high-puritybiochemicals for use in molecular biology, diagnostics, cell culture,pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, life sciences and biotechnology, and willtransition into SAFC, the custom manufacturing and services business unit ofSigma-Aldrich.
Financial terms of the purchase were not disclosed.Sigma-Aldrich said it expects the acquisition to be neutral to earnings pershare in 2012.
"This acquisition is an outstanding complement to ourexisting raw materials portfolio and will help us provide more innovativesolutions for some of our customers' toughest supply challenges," said GillesCottier, executive vice president of Sigma-Aldrich and president of SAFC, in astatement. "It will also enable us to provide SAFC's customers with true dualsourcing of buffers from two of the world's leading manufacturing sites."
"Joining Sigma-Aldrich is positive for Research Organics,our employees, customers and the city of Cleveland," added Rob Sternfeld,president of Research Organics. "The acquisition provides the resources toexpand the growth of our business, to enhance our product line and to upgradeour facilities to meet ever changing industry requirements. We will continue toprovide our customers with the superior quality and service they deserve andhave come to expect."