Shining a brighter light on drug discovery: Converting endpoint microplate assays to real-time data output

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October 8, 2020 2:30 pm EDT

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Microplate readers are the workhorses of early stage drug discovery. However, they are often used only for endpoint assays. While automation can force large numbers of samples through these workflows, this approach is problematic for discovery-based applications where the timing and duration of effects are unknown.

This webinar sponsored by BMG LABTECH will explore how advanced plate readers and assay technologies move beyond high-throughput endpoint studies to enable continuous monitoring of metabolic activity dynamics, transcriptional regulation, foreign gene expression, and cellular health. By expressing a synthetic luciferase that does not require external excitation, researchers can induce cellular targets to continuously modulate their bioluminescent signals. With atmospheric control and flexible programming, modern microplate readers can quickly and inexpensively obtain more data earlier in the pipeline.

Speaker Information:


Dan Close, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer
490 BioTech


Mark Wienhold

Lead Scientist for Cellular Technologies
490 BioTech

Carlpeters Headshot

Carl Peters, PhD

Senior Application Specialist

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