Shimadzu introduces data analysis technologies
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has taken the wraps off several new products, including AXIMA MegaTOF, an integrated MALDI solution from Shimadzu and CovalX for ultra high-mass applications that detect intact complexes up to 1.5 MDa.; Nexera Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph, which meets all analysis requirements with no compromise in data integrity; Nanotrap Biomarker Discovery Platform, which gives researchers the ability to enrich, preserve and screen low-level biomarkers directly from complex biological samples; and Component ID Solution, software that accelerates high-confidence component identification using the power of high-mass accuracy and the simplicity of an open-access workflow.
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Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has taken the wraps offseveral new products, including AXIMA MegaTOF, an integrated MALDI solutionfrom Shimadzu and CovalX for ultra high-mass applications that detect intactcomplexes up to 1.5 MDa.; Nexera Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph,which meets all analysis requirements with no compromise in data integrity;Nanotrap Biomarker Discovery Platform, which gives researchers the ability toenrich, preserve and screen low-level biomarkers directly from complexbiological samples; and Component ID Solution, software that accelerateshigh-confidence component identification using the power of high-mass accuracyand the simplicity of an open-access workflow.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc.
(410) 381-1222