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Back in June, we posted a commentary here about how DDNews is continuing to evolve in print and online with a broader focus in pharma, biotech and life-science research. We introduced a new logo anchored to our previous DDN branding, but emphasizing our unique position in the market as the leader in delivering news. News is what defines and sets us apart from other publications in this market space—and many of the websites, for that matter.
As we prepare to enter into our 10th year here, we want you to know that in January, we will continue the evolutionary changes we started in June, with the expansion of our news coverage throughout the pharma pipeline.
New departments
Beginning with the next issue, our editorial departments will be reconfigured to represent each process of the pharma pipeline and to better define the news from the bench to the boardroom. These six departments will be: Discovery; Research & Development; Preclinical; Clinical Trials; Diagnostics; and Business & Government Policy.
Editorial staff
But the evolution doesn’t end there. With Amy Swinderman stepping down to concentrate on her passion for writing (including continuing to write some stories in DDNews), current Managing Editor Jeffrey Bouley, who has been with us since nearly day one, will move up to become chief editor. Lloyd Dunlap, who has been a contributor to DDNews for many years and is well-known in the science press, will assume the position of managing editor. Kelsey Kaustinen, as senior editor, will assume additional duties that include the position of editor of our Cancer Research News website. We are fortunate to have such a seasoned editorial staff who will continue the fine work established by Amy, for whom we remain thankful, and whose relentless work and creativity has contributed so much to DDNews for more than five years.
Social media
Our staff will be better able to utilize social media—Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn—thanks to some technology upgrades, as it is vital to any news organization to deliver breaking stories as they happen and to let you know about important articles when we publish them. This means readers will better be able to stay up-to-date on breaking news via their computers and mobile devices, access our websites for in-depth analysis via their mobile devices and subscribe for news updates via our RSS feed.
Coming in 2014
Jeff will talk a bit more about changes to editorial content in his inaugural editorial next issue, but we, as the publishers, would like to give you some insight into the 2014 editorial plan, which includes:
  • January: Diabetes and metabolic disease feature
  • February: Biologics feature and Pittcon show preview
  • March: AACR show preview
  • April: Point-of-care diagnostics feature
  • May: ISSCR show preview
  • June: Cancer research feature
  • July: Cell biology feature
  • August: Nanomedicine feature
  • September: ASHG show preview
  • October: Neuroscience feature and SfN show preview
  • November: Disease modeling feature and Cell Biology show preview
  • December: PepTalk 2015 show feature
As we enter our 10th year of publishing, we have come a long way. From a unique concept of how to better deliver the industry news of drug discovery, we have grown to a news organization serving 37,500 global print subscribers and 84,000-plus web and e-news subscribers. From a single publication, we have evolved to a dozen print and digital vehicles. From a focus on discovery, we have expanded further up the pipeline, bringing you balanced news of mergers, collaborations, clinical trials, regulations and broader perspectives about technologies and market developments that impact our readers in pharma, biotech and life science. The previous nine years were made possible by a tremendous amount of support from our staff, readers, advertisers and industry organizations. We look forward to many more years to come, and we thank you.

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