Pills scattered around a bottle arranged in the shape of a DNA strand, symbolizing the concept of pharmacogenomics.

Precision pain management

Researchers harness pharmacogenomics to understand why individual patients react differently to opioids for pain relief. 

Opioids, while effective for pain relief in some patients, may be ineffective or carry serious risks for others due to their genetic differences. Researchers studying pharmacogenomics identify specific genes associated with drug receptors, transporters, and metabolizing enzymes to explain these differences and develop tailored treatment strategies that maximize pain relief while minimizing adverse effects. In this webinar, Catrina Loucks will discuss how her team uncovers genetic markers that influence children's responses to opioid medications.

Topics to be covered

  • Discovering pharmacogenomic predictors of opioid responses in children
  • Translating pharmacogenomic discoveries into improved pain management strategies

Wednesday, July 31st, 2024 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar will be available to view live and on demand.


Catrina Loucks, PhD

Catrina Loucks, PhD

Assistant Professor
University of British Columbia

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