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WALTHAM, Mass.—ThermoFisher Scientific Inc. announced the acquisition of Massachusetts-basedCohesive Technologies Inc., a manufacturer of advanced TLX turbulent flowsample extraction and liquid chromatography products. Cohesive has annualrevenues of approximately $15 million.
The Cohesive product line enhances the company's ThermoScientific portfolio by adding in-line sample preparation capabilities thatcouple with mass spectrometry technology to create end-to-end workflowsolutions for drug and other organic molecule analyses. These new capabilitieswill significantly improve sample throughput and increase detection limitsduring LC/MS/MS analysis for customers in the pharmaceutical, clinical,environmental and food science industries.
"Cohesive's sample preparation technologies willstrengthen our ability to offer customers the advanced tools they need toaccelerate research and discovery and to provide them with higher-qualityanalytical information," said Marijn E. Dekkers, president and CEO ofThermo Fisher Scientific. "We look forward to integrating Cohesive intoThermo Fisher Scientific, and to making their sample preparation capabilitiesavailable to customers worldwide through our global sales channels."
Jeff Zonderman, vice president, sales & marketing atCohesive, notes that the new relationship to Thermo Fisher Scientific will makethe advantages of Cohesive's patented technology available on a much widerscale.
"Cohesive's system allows chromatographers to performturbulent flow chromatography to eliminate solid phase extraction (SPE),liquid/liquid extraction (LLE) or protein precipitation (PPT)," Zondermanexplains.
The TLX system injects samples directly onto a narrowdiameter TurboFlow column that is packed with large particles. Using theprinciples of turbulence, diffusion, and chemistry, the small sample moleculesare separated from the sample matrix in the column.
When the mobile phase flows through the column, linearvelocities are created which are 100 times greater than what is typically seenin HPLC columns, the company claims. The large interstitial spaces between thecolumn particles and the high linear mobile phase velocity create turbulencewithin the TurboFlow column. Since small molecular weight molecules diffusefaster than large molecular weight molecules, the small sample compoundsdiffuse into the particle pores. The turbulent flow of the mobile phase quicklyflushes the large sample compounds through the column to waste before they havean opportunity to diffuse into the particle pores. A mobile phase change thenelutes the small molecules that were bound by the TurboFlow column to the massspectrometer or to a second analytical column for further separation. No forecast was provided of the increased sales forthe system expected due to the Thermo Fisher acquisition.

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