Integra Biosciences
GripTips are a next-generation range of pipette tips thatensure the perfect connection between pipette and tip. GripTips have beenengineered to provide unmatched high lateral resistance. As a result, pipettetips will never fall off while pipetting. Benefiting from unique Tri-LobeFittings, GripTips deliver low attachment and ejection forces enablingcomfortable, stress-free pipetting even over extended periods of use. GripTipsdeliver a precise and consistent tip seal, ensuring that all tips on amultichannel pipette are precisely at the same height; increasing the accuracyand precision of each multichannel dispense. Available in five volumes (12.5µl,125µl, 300µl, 1250µl and 5000µl) GripTips come in stackable racks, Green Packenvironmentally friendly inserts or bulk configurations (non-sterile, sterileand filter sterile).
Integra Biosciences
(603) 578-5800