ROCKVILLE, Md. – OriGene Technologies Inc. announced theacquisition of Marligen Biosciences Inc., a provider of cutting-edge multiplexassays for the Luminex xMAP platform for protein and gene expression profiling assays and testingservices, and DNA and RNA purification kits.
The acquisition reinforces OriGene's leading position in thebio-medical research industry by expanding the scope of its gene centric toolboxportfolio and further represents another step in OriGene's aggressive growthplan.
The acquisition will enhance OriGene's gene centric productportfolio to include new assay panels and custom assays for drugdiscovery. Leveraging OriGene'shigh throughput monoclonal antibody production capability, OriGene intends tocomplete its development of high quality assay panels and custom assays forresearchers that will dramatically hasten and increase efficiencies for drugdiscovery. OriGene's mammalian cell expressed proteins maintain the mostauthentic protein structure, post-translational modifications and functions.