BioTek Instruments Inc.
BioTek has launched the Epoch Multi-Volume SpectrophotometerSystem for monochromator based absorbance measurements in volumes as low as 2µL. The system includes the Epoch Microplate Spectrophotometer and the uniqueTake3 Multi-Volume Plate, controlled via Gen5 software. These two new productscombine to provide a high-value solution for the life science laboratory thathas multiple users and assays and the need to preserve precious nucleic acidand protein samples by using very small volumes for quantification. With itswavelength range of 200 nm to 999 nm, the Epoch Microplate Spectrophotometerprovides outstanding performance in nucleic acid and protein quantification,wavelength scanning, end point, kinetic and well area scanning in 6- to384-well microplates. The Take3 plate allows users to measure up to sixteen 2µL samples, two BioCells or a standard cuvette. The Take3 interface in Gen5software makes low-volume nucleic acid quantification fast and easy with itspre-programmed protocols and data output.
BioTek Instruments Inc.
(888) 451-5171