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Welcome to the April issue of Drug Discovery News. Just eight short months after the termination announcement of Modern Drug Discovery, former MDD executives and editors present you with a unique and exclusive format for industry news.

Welcome to the April issue of Drug Discovery News. Just eight short months after the termination announcement of Modern Drug Discovery, former MDD executives and editors present you with a unique and exclusive format for industry news.
We know many of you are inundated with information, most of it reliable, technical updates which appear in many magazines, journals, websites and newsletters. However, unlike the other journals in this market that burrow deep into the technology and the science of the industry, Drug Discovery News will be your trusted source for what is happening in the business environment of drug discovery. Our news format will keep you informed about what is happening with your partners, your competitors as well as other developments around the globe which strategically affect your business.
There is no other publication in this market that covers news specifically in pharmaceutical drug discovery, therefore, we envision DDN as "the" news source for the drug discovery and development industry.
You will notice that this issue is divided into six departments:
  • Global News
  • Genomics & Proteomics
  • Automation & Instrumentation
  • Informatics
  • Research & Development
  • New Products
Within these departments our editors scour their resources for in-depth news to keep you knowledgeable on what is happening right now in the drug discovery marketplace. Better yet, this business news is delivered in an easy-to-read and usable format with concise stories that make it easy for you to quickly gather the information you need. Drug Discovery News is an authentic news vehicle — not an association house organ or technical journal. It will deliver reader value by covering the issues, trends and product news that impact decision makers in the drug discovery and development arena every day. The website ( will offer weekly updates on breaking stories within the industry and offer advertisers a resource with which to interact with subscribers who respond to their advertising. Also, editorial links are provided for expanded coverage of particular articles.
A trade publication, especially one dedicated solely to news, is needed. In 2003 alone, there were nearly 400 partnering/collaborative business deals struck in the drug discovery arena — or roughly one every single day of that year. According to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturing Association (PhRMA), there are nearly 400 cancer drug candidates, 300 drug candidates related to treating aging-related diseases and more than 150 pediatric drugs currently in development. Technical journals cannot keep you abreast because of the magnitude of this business activity. Drug Discovery News can.
This April issue will be followed each and every month with another issue packed full with industry news. We invite you to subscribe by completing the bound-in card or by visiting our Web site and filling in the online subscription form. We also invite your comments by email or through the reader survey card which you will also find bound into this issue. Initially, the publication will reach 30,000 drug discovery research professionals throughout North America with plans to soon expand circulation overseas.
Eight months ago at lunch on the day of the MDD discontinuation announcement we sketched a plan, on cocktail napkins and guest checks, to produce a unique news publication. That lunch meeting has resulted in the publication you now hold in your hands — a 40-page issue with leaders in the drug discovery industry advertising their products. We have a publisher, associate publisher, editors, operations manager, circulation development manager, two offices and a website! Thanks to all who made this possible. We look forward to your comments and suggestions and serving our readers and advertisers with our unique format for many years to come.

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