October 2017 Volume 13, Issue 10

Volume 13, Issue 10 | October 2017
October 2017
In this Issue

Guest Commentary: Should you be concerned about temporary data?
As regulatory agencies evolve their thinking around data integrity mandates, the guidance is pointing to curbing the ability to alter data in temporary memory before it becomes permanent
The people vs. pharma
We seem to have lost the ability to get along, and this is evident in the relationship between the life sciences and the larger society, among other placesEditor's Focus

Dear readers, it’s time to meet Pete (if you haven’t already)
Introducing you to one of our long-running columnists here at DDNews, Peter T. Kissinger, so that you know what kind of person you're dealing with...and what kind of experience and understanding, too, that he bringsFeature

Show Preview for Neuroscience 2017: A mind-trip in D.C.
SfN marches on Washington (figuratively speaking) to expand neuroscience knowledge and networkingSpecial Reports

Special Focus on Cancer Research News: In the pink with oncology R&D
A roundup of recent research and clinical work within the realm of breast cancer, as well as substantial coverage of immuno-oncology and other cancer areasDiscovery

Back on the beat
NIH awards grant to Numerate to identify antiarrhythmic drug candidates
Strep sit-rep
M protein sets off white blood cells’ early-warning system
Extending an oncology effort
Cancer Research UK and Newcastle University extend discovery alliance with Astex
Inventiva and AbbVie extend agreement
Companies will continue to collaborate on discovery of new RORγ inverse agonist drug candidatesClinical Trials

Migraine management
Erenumab could spell relief for chronic migraine sufferers
Two trials with heart
Repatha shows its stuff in FOURIER and GLACOV trials
Galapagos FLORA trial targets IPF
Autotaxin is increasingly seen as a player in the pulmonary disease
BioCryst gears up for Phase 3
Promising Phase 2 results in HAE point to efficacy, ideal dose level
A tour of trial tech
Giving you a quick peek at some of the tools and technology news recently in clinical trialsBusiness & Government Policy

A sky-high price tag for Kite
Gilead secures Kite Pharma for $11.9B in second-largest deal of 2017
Imaging inflection
Invicro acquires Imanova, expanding global imaging capabilities
On the cutting edge
A roundup of instrumentation, software and other tools and technology news
Comments published on bids to host EMA
Staff retention and accessibility for delegates and experts key to ensure agency’s ability to function
BARDA in the news
U.S. agency awards contracts to Achaogen and Emergent BioSolutionsDiagnostics

A test for chronic fatigue; a boon for Hemispherx
Stanford University study may lead to chronic fatigue syndrome diagnostic test
Keeping it simple
Clinical Genomics and QIAGEN partner on liquid biopsies to diagnose recurrence of colorectal cancer
Enterome and Nestlé Health Science launch into diagnostics
Companies create Microbiome Diagnostics Partners with eye on IBF, liver disease and more
Sequencing all chromosomes to identify rare disease
Study from NIH and other institutions may help improve prenatal genetic screeningResearch & Development

Modeling the lung-liver connection
Multi-organ-on-a-chip model promises wide-ranging applications
Algorithm for addiction
Prescient Medicine’s new genetic test aims to predict future opioid addicts
Time for a ‘brain dump’
Rounding up some recent neurological R&D stories
Shedding some light on the subject
Researchers use fluorescent sensors to elucidate GTP activity in cellsPreclinical

Nano vs. flu
Novavax’ preclinical influenza nanoparticle vaccine shows promise, study says
Attacking asthma
Second preclinical study with MSCs shows positive results
At the forefront of fibrosis
Preclinical data for MRG-201 in pulmonary fibrosis reported by miRagen
It’s all in the presentation
A quick roundup of some recent preclinical data presentationsContract Services

Advancing preclinical research
CrownBio launches innovative inflammatory disease models
East Coast meets Far East
PAREXEL and Osaka International Cancer Institute ally for clinical research
Expanding universe
Four contract service providers make moves to grow
PharmaLex enters into strategic partnership with Volv Global
New collaboration will use innovative AI technology to support PharmaLex’s pharmacovigilance solutions

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