November 2011 Volume 7, Issue 11
Volume 7, Issue 11 | November 2011
November 2011
In this Issue
Instruments & Informatics

Seeking a silver lining
Golden Helix, Expression Analysis work together on RNA sequencing
Back to school
Absorption Systems initiates collaboration with academic researchers to develop improved in-vitro pharmacokinetic predictions
Some trick pony
Bio-Rad acquires QuantaLife’s new award-winning digital PCR technology
Removing a pain point
MUSA and Molecular Devices team up, seeking to complement SoftMax Pro functionality with LabSpeed LS
Mapping the Scottish genome
Generation Scotland and Arrayjet collaborate on the development of new products and services for biomarker identification and developmentDiagnostics

Sony tunes in to microfluidics
Electronics powerhouse acquires diagnostic equipment provider Micronics
Exonhit, Pfizer collaborate on Alzheimer’s biomarkers
Early-stage collaboration will focus on identifying biomarkers and disease progression
Quantum Materials and Nanoaxis announce tech alliance
Companies seek to use biocompatible quantum dots to enable industrial-scale production of nanomedicines
Hope for the ‘Worried Man Blues’
Study yields potential biomarker for Huntington’s disease activity and drug response
Making an overseas connection
Bioo Scientific and Jungwoo F&B to collaborate to improve cancer diagnosis and treatmentOmics & Systems Biology

BMS sees ambiance with Ambrx
New collaboration to develop biologics for diabetes, heart failure
Nigel's new ark
Ex-ARK Therapeutics CEO launches FKD Therapies to develop and commercialize Merck's gene therapy portfolio
One-stop shopping for microbial genomes
Eurofins MWG Operon and Integrated Genomics to cooperate on end-to-end genomics projects
Of mice and men
Chromosome-engineered mice lead researchers at Cold Spring Harbor Lab closer to finding the genetic flaws that cause autism
RXi Pharmaceuticals aims to strengthen strategic focus through separation into two distinct publicly traded companiesGovernment Watch

If at first you don’t succeed …
Plaintiffs in Sherley stem cell case appeal dismissal
Signed, sealed and delivered
Patent reform now law in United States
Prometheus—unbound or not
U.S. Supreme Court to decide validity of company’s patent under challenge by Mayo Collaborative Services
FDA, federal agencies team up to develop technologies that predict drug safety
On Sept. 19, President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) will collaborate with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop cutting-edge technologies to predict drug safety.Commentary

The biorepository: The cornerstone of drug development
Now is the time for pharmaceutical and biotech companies, both large and small, to assess their current sample management strategies to ensure current and future drug discovery is not jeopardized by sub-optimal management processes or samples or lack of sample data.Patent News

In the EU, stem cells unpatentable if an embryo is destroyed
In late October, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a judgment in the case of Brüstle v. Greenpeace, banning the issuance of patents for stem cells on ethical grounds.Editor's Focus

A news story is only as good as its sources
Throughout the long and complicated journey of Sherley v. Sebelius through the courts thus far, our coverage has been marked by rare and gracious access to the plaintiffs in the case.Global News

MS and NSCLC targeted
Merck Serono and Ono Pharmaceutical to develop oral multiple sclerosis drug and cancer immunotherapy
Going after glycobiology
GE Healthcare teams up with Ireland’s NIBRT to drive new technologies for the development of therapeutic antibodies
Catching the pipeline
Biotie snares Newron CNS pipeline in deal worth up to $63 million
Serving up with Servier
New alliance with Galapagos to feature targets from both companies
Looking for a TD on TB
CDRI, NITD team up for a tuberculosis cureResearch & Development

Puma roars with Pfizer licensing deal
Experimental drug shows promise in treating some breast cancer patients
Adding a jewel to the crown
Crown Bioscience acquires IIBR, gaining access to non-human primate models with naturally occurring diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Taking down a triple threat with Karmanos and Komen
Karmanos Cancer Institute scores $3.5 million Komen Promise grant for breast cancer research
Vanderbilt forges path for academia
University licenses compounds showing promise for Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia and Fragile X syndrome
Stem cells get specific
Scientists at New York Stem Cell Foundation make advance in development of patient-specific stem cellsFeature

A mile-high view
ASCB annual meeting in Denver will take in high-level views as well as drill deep into cell biology
Art and nature at high altitude
In and near Denver lies plenty of beauty, both natural and human-createdSpecial Reports

Trends in Cell Biology: ddn Interview with Dr. V. Jo Davisson
Expert in the cell biology field identifies some of the themes dominating this growing research area

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