March 2023 Volume 19, Issue 3

Volume 19, Issue 3 | March 2023
March 2023
In this Issue
Editor's Focus

Better rabies treatments bite back
Symptomatic rabies has no cure, but recent advances in rabies structural biology and antibody cocktails point to better treatments on the horizon.
Explained: How does CAR T cell therapy work?
By engineering immune cells to effectively attack cancer cells, researchers established a new paradigm for cancer therapy.Disease Pathways

The path to treating Parkinson’s disease begins in the gut
New research is unraveling the connection between the gut microbiome and Parkinson’s disease, revealing potential gut-targeted therapeutic strategies.Infectious Disease

Mining mucus for drug inspiration
Therapeutics that mimic or manipulate components of mucus may protect against deadly infections.Editors Insight

A conference and a COVID-19 close call
As scientific conferences return to in person programming, we still need COVID-19 precautions.Tools & Techniques

Detecting disease in breath
Researchers are rooting through the concoction of compounds in exhaled breath vapor for metabolic manifestations of COVID-19 and cancer.
Bacterial biosensors eavesdrop on the gut
Genetically engineered bacteria could help diagnose or monitor gut diseases.Cell Therapy

Treating cancer with a dose of the pox
The live virus in the smallpox vaccine boosts the activity of cancer-killing immune cells for hard-to-treat tumors.

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