June 2012 Volume 8, Issue 6

Volume 8, Issue 6 | June 2012

June 2012

In this Issue

Contract Services

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Raising the third pillar

Synexus strengthens its presence in Poland with acquisition of Osteomed to complement German and U.K. presence
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Spain and France join hands

Harlan Labs partners with Ipsen for development of preclinical drug candidates
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Partnering for Phase III

Amgen selects PRA as CRO of choice for Phase III biosimilars trials
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Hustling on half-lives

Caisson Biotech licenses heparosan-based delivery technology to Novo Nordisk to extend half-lives on drugs
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AMRI inks deal with Biota Holdings

AMRI was recently selected by Biota Holdings Ltd. to further develop and manufacture the influenza antiviral CS8958 (laninamivir), a second-generation, long-acting neuraminidase inhibitor


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Childhood cancer collaboration

Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital and Serametrix to develop Dx test for pediatric cancers
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The way to man’s heart— through his stomach

LipoScience will translate Cleveland Clinic research into cardiovascular test based on gut flora metabolite
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A hankering for HER2

Dako, Genentech pair up for FDA submissions of HER2 companion diagnostics
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NGS for cancer Dx

Genomic Health and OncoMed use next-generation sequencing to develop personalized cancer therapeutics
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QIAGEN joins POC Dx Initiative

QIAGEN announced May 3 that it has joined the Point-of-Care Diagnostics (POC Dx) Initiative led by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Grand Challenges Canada
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Stretching its wings

Hologic acquires Gen-Probe for a total enterprise value of approximately $3.7 billion

Global News

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Turning toward Turkey

Amgen to acquire Mustafa Nevzat Pharmaceuticals, increase international presence
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Australian pharma nabs U.S. shareholders

Biota, Nabi Biopharmaceuticals to merge in $212 million deal
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A duo that’s sweet on new biomarkers

Ezose Sciences and Hirosaki University to collaborate in glycomics research to find new cancer biomarkers
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A joint research project

Novo Nordisk, Oxford University forge arthritis drug development deal
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Evotec licenses inflammatory disease compounds to Chinese pharma

Evotec AG announced the grant of a development and marketing license to Conba Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. of China
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Sandoz acquires Fougera Pharmaceuticals

$1.5 billion deal makes Novartis group the top global generic dermatology medicines company

Research & Development

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Watson adds action and strength to generics position

Pharma acquires privately held generic drugmaker Actavis Group for $5.4 billion
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Out with gout

AstraZeneca acquires Ardea Biosciences for $1.26 billion, gains gout program
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Right on TARGET

Merck, Endocyte reach deal to develop cancer drug
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Long court battle over stem cell research continues

Three-judge panel hears oral arguments in Sherley case
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NCATS finds new tricks for old dogs

NIH launches industry-government collaboration with Big Pharma to repurpose clinical-stage drugs
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Accelerated development

AstraZeneca, Axerion team up to take biologic approach to treating Alzheimer’s disease
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Sanofi collaborates with MJFF on Parkinson’s disease treatment

Sanofi announced in late April that it has entered into a collaboration with the Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) to conduct a clinical trial to assess the safety and tolerability of AVE 8112, a Sanofi phosphodiesterase type 4 (PDE4) inhibitor, in patients with Parkinson’s disease


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Release of proposed AMP rule creates new issues for life-science industry

The new guidelines will have a wide-reaching financial impact on the life- science industry by creating serious administrative and operational challenges that will have to be addressed relatively quickly.
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Making decisions … and making them work

How do we make decisions? Do we analyze Democrats and Republicans with respect to their overall “comparative effectiveness,” or is it their “comparative ineffectiveness” that influences our thinking?

Editor's Focus

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Michael J. Fox drives stem cell research efforts for Parkinson’s disease back to the future

He’s not climbing into his DeLorean and punching in a destination far into the past, but actor and Parkinson’s disease advocate Michael J. Fox surprised many recently when he told ABC News reporter Diane Sawyer that stem cell research may not be the future of treatments or a cure for this debilitating disease.

Tools & Technology

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Companies create ‘road atlas’ of human biology

BioTime acquires XenneX to map stem cell types
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‘Mainlining’ research content to scientists

Thomson Reuters and IDBS integration aims to change biological content delivery
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Getting everyone’s heads in the cloud

BT advances cloud services to increase pharmaceutical R&D productivity and optimize clinical trial results
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Dolomite joins forces with LioniX

Companies partner on development of microfluidic devices and systems
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Ambry Genetics launches Fluidigm-based genomic research services

Ambry Genetics, a global leader in clinical diagnostics and genomic services, announced last month the launch of Fluidigm BioMark HD and Access Array System-based genomic research services

Omics & Systems Biology

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New class is in session

GSK teams up with Yale to design a new class of medicines to attack disease-causing proteins
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Creating a new oral tradition

Boosted by NIH grant, NYU-UCSF research team will use genomics to find biomarkers to predict oral cancer metastasis in patients
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Fresh horizons in drug discovery

Horizon, H3 Biomedicine announce target validation collaboration
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Two down, 94 to go

Epizyme and Celgene partner to advance human health through epigenetic-based therapies
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BGI and several academic partners to sequence 100 human adenoviruses

BGI announced May 2 that the genomics organization will work with George Mason University (GMU), the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) to sequence 100 human adenoviruses gathered from researchers globally, including ones that cause respiratory, gastrointestinal and ocular diseases
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Gold circles with attached purple corkscrew shapes represent gold nanoparticles against a black background.

Driving gene therapy with nonviral vectors 

Learn why nonviral vectors are on the rise in gene therapy development.
A 3D digital illustration of a viral spike protein on a cell surface, surrounded by colorful, floating antibodies in the background

Milestone: Leapfrogging to quantitative, high throughput protein detection and analysis

Researchers continuously push the boundaries of what’s possible with protein analysis tools.
Blue cancer cells attached to a cellular surface against a bright blue background in a 3D rendering of a cancer infection.

Advancing immuno-oncology research with cellular assays

Explore critical insights into immunogenicity and immunotoxicity assays for cancer therapies.
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