February 2007 Volume 3, Issue 2
Volume 3, Issue 2 | February 2007
February 2007
In this Issue
News Briefs

More exacting extracting
Reel Two, ACD/Labs collaborate on chemical name-to-structure project
Decision to integrate
GeneGo\'s MetaCore, MetaDrug integrted with Spotfire\'s DecisionSite
Image is everything
BioImagene to bundle imaging products with HP servers for better customer efficiency
UCSD, Brown release InvChecker microinversion software
Microinversion software release identification of genomic variationAutomation & Instrumentation

Trading their array of technology
Oxford Gne Technology and NimbleGen Systems secure cross-licensing deal
Site on scene lab management
SiteMAX program puts Beckman Coulter in role of managing customers\' equipment.
By-the-slice MS imaging
Protein Discovery rolls out MALDI mass spec imaging by-the-slice service
Invitrogen gives clients ability to bag it up
Company will supply cell cultures in Wave bioreactor bagsGenomics & Proteomics

Forget me not
Ablynx and Boehringer Ingelheim sign deal to discover new Alzheimer\'s treatments
A new pitch to stop ALS
ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) funds new $36 million, three-year study
New tool for nucleosome charting
Dana-Farber researchers recently developed a new method of charting nucleosomes throughout the human genome.
Canadian scientists release first draft of human metabolome
University of Alberta Researchers cap the three-year $7.5 million Human Metabolome ProjectResearch & Development

A natural fit
Bristol-Meyers Squibb turns to Albany Molecular Research for natural product collaboration
Raising the yellow flag
FDA issues precautions to pharma companies over testing at two MDS labs
8-million compound library
Wyeth taps Pharmacopeia data for immunology and inflammation work
Ardea Biosciences: Drug discovery from the ashes of IntraBiotics
The company formerly known as IntraBiotics Pharmaceuticals, Inc., is rebuilding itself as Ardea Biosciences, Inc., after acquiring intellectual property, data, inventory, and equipment from Valeant Pharmaceuticals International and hiring a new management team.

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