An image of three glass slides with pathology tissue samples on them and a microscope in the background.

Developmental and reproductive toxicology and pathology

Evaluating drug toxicity to development and reproduction is a critical component of drug safety assessment. 

Evaluating a drug's potential effects on fertility, reproduction, and development is a critical part of the clinical development and market approval process. The complex physiology in reproduction and development presents unique challenges to the nonclinical research team. In this webinar brought to you by Inotiv, Sarah Coe, Jessica Miller, and Johnathan Furr will highlight how to leverage pathology findings to inform developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART) studies and juvenile animal studies (JAS).    

Topics to be covered

  • Using reproductive pathology endpoints to inform DART study design
  • Identifying male reproductive system toxicity using stage-aware evaluation of spermatogenesis
  • Reviewing the best histopathology practices for DART and JAS

Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar will be available to view live and on demand.


Jessica Miller, PhD

Jessica Miller, PhD

Toxicologist, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology

Johnathan Furr

Johnathan Furr, BS, DABT

Senior Toxicologist, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology

Sarah Coe, DVM

Sarah Coe, DVM, MPH, Dipl. ACVP


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