CyBi-SELMA is a semi-automatic pipettor that is fast,precise and robust. With 96 disposable tips, all 96- and 384-well microplateformats can be filled in seconds. Contrary to manual pipetting, sample transfererrors and missed wells are a thing of the past. All aspirate and dispensesteps are executed by the CyBio technology, which has been deployed inhigh-throughput screening very successfully for more than 15 years withguaranteed reproducible results. CyBi-SELMA is easy to use via a modern touchscreen. Adjustments such as dispense height, volume and pipetting speed arememorized, retrievable and changeable for regular use anytime. Automatic tiptightening avoids laborious adjustments, and preloaded tip trays guaranteerapid execution within seconds. Custom-racked tip magazines enable the omissionof individual columns and thus, give the user more options to create dispensepatterns specific to their assay requirements. Its compact dimensions allow itto fit on the lab bench easily as well as in any laminar flow box withoutdisrupting the air handling.