Stem cells shown in blue depend on precise environmental cues to differentiate into other body cells.

Environmental Cues: How Cell Culture Conditions Affect Stem Cell Phenotype

From cell culture media to additive reagents, environmental cues shape cell state and influence the utility of stem cell research models and therapies.

Cells need adequate nutrients and optimal growth conditions to survive outside their natural environments. Stem cells, in particular, require additional programming cues to establish their cellular lineage. In this webinar, brought to you by Bio-Techne, Jiwu Wang will discuss the influence of cell culture environment on stem cell state and best practices for developing stem cell disease models for cell therapy.

Topics to be covered

  • Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) applications in regenerative medicine
  • Cell culture influence on iPSC growth and morphology
  • Good manufacturing practices for generating clinical grade iPSCs

Thursday, October 27th, 2022 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar will be available to view live and on demand.


Jiwu Wang, PhD

Jiwu Wang, PhD

President and CEO
Allele Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Sponsored by

  • Bio-Techne

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