Because we shifted to a 10-issue schedule around the middle of this year, this October issue is the next-to-last one for the year 2020. But before we get to the “end” of this year in the next issue, I wanted to let you know that we have several new advances to offer you both before and after Jan. 1.
We’ve been teasing on our covers our new logo and some of our upcoming offerings, as well as rolling out several improvements already, from our revamped e-newsletters to our new e-book offerings (with a neuroscience e-book already available and an immuno-oncology one to come soon) to webinars and podcasts. Later this year, we plan to unveil a totally refurbished website that is worlds beyond our current one. We will also be kicking up our social media activity in the coming months.
And with the issue that will reach your mailboxes in January, you will see a redesigned magazine that is going to—I hope—knock your socks off. The content will be much the same as you’ve come to expect, but packaged better and looking better than ever before.
This entire year has been one of metamorphosis for DDN on all fronts, and we are excited to bring you more and better content both online and in the physical magazine.
But now that I’ve stoked your interest and touted our advances, let me also do that thing that editorial publications must sometimes do—and which is thankfully a rare occurrence in my editorials for DDN: Make some apologies for a couple editorial content errors recently.
The “Upregulating to success” article in our July/August issue had to undergo some corrections and revisions online that came in too late for the physical issue since it was already at the printer. Click here to read the revised version. Also, “BRIDGE-ing the gap in Fabry disease” in the same issue misattributed some quotes and that has been corrected—click here for that one.