The BioMark HD System is one of the most advanced genomicanalysis instruments on the market today. It provides the sensitivity andthroughput needed to study gene expression profiles down to the single-celllevel, as well as high throughput SNP genotyping and digital PCR for copynumber variation and rare mutation detection. The Access Array System enableshigh-throughput, target-enrichment for all of the major next-generationsequencing instruments and allows users to enrich multiple unique targets (suchas exons) from a large number of samples, all at one time and at low cost.
Ambry Genetics offers a wide variety of genomic servicesthat will be enhanced by the addition of Fluidigm platforms. Separately, from aregulatory standpoint Ambry can offer its other services within a CLIA settingand deliver the highest quality of data, while handling large volumes ofsamples with automation in place.
"For months, many of our genomics customers have beenclamoring for Fluidigm technologies from single-cell gene expression to sampleprep for targeted resequencing. We are ready to unleash the power of Fluidigmplatforms and are anxious to offer our customers these enhanced capabilities,"said Charles Dunlop, CEO of Ambry Genetics, in a statement. "Over the pastdecade, Ambry Genetics has developed one of the best reputations in the genomicsindustry, and a big reason is our many technology platforms and our technicalabilities to apply them. Having the Fluidigm technology in house is a majorstep forward for us, and will continue to solidify Ambry's reputation as aleader in this space."
"Ambry Genetics has a first-class reputation as an adopterof leading technologies," added Gajus Worthington, president and CEO ofFluidigm. "We at Fluidigm are thrilled that our products will be part ofAmbry's portfolio of services, and we are excited about the prospect of workingclosely together. With the combined expertise, customer focus, andtechnological prowess of Fluidigm and Ambry, we are confident we will deliver anew level of value to Ambry's customers."