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SANTA CLARA, Calif.—Agilent Technologies Inc. and AppliedProteomics Inc. have joined forces to collaborate on highly multiplexed proteinassays and workflow solutions for multiple-reaction monitoring via massspectrometry. The partnership unites Agilent's vast product offering inmeasurement tools and mass spectrometry equipment with Applied Proteomics'proteomics platform solution, which is based on computational expertise andmass spectrometry-based systems control.
"We are thrilled to be collaborating with AppliedProteomics, an organization that has leading expertise in developing massspectrometry-based methods and instrumentation technologies for proteinquantification and proteome applications," Can Ozbal, director of Agilent'sRapidFire business, said in a press release. "Agilent's innovative automation,measurement and software platforms transform complete workflow solutions fromsample preparation through data acquisition, analysis and evaluation inquantitative proteomics and biomarker validation."
In this undertaking, Applied Proteomics will make use ofAgilent's 6490 Triple Quadrupole MS/MS, 1290 Infinity LC, RapidFire 360 MSsystem and Bravo liquid-handling technologies in order to optimize throughputin highly multiplexed proteomic assays. No financial terms regarding thecollaboration were disclosed.
"The ability to quickly and accurately measure, monitor andanalyze a large number of protein biomarkers in a single test has importantapplications for understanding human diseases and developing new clinicaldiagnostics. Agilent's innovation in mass spectrometry is an important part ofthis collaboration as we work together to expand the capabilities of multiplexprotein assays," John E. Blume, Ph.D., chief science officer of Applied Proteomics,noted in a statement.
The partnership comes just a few weeks after Agilentannounced another mass spectrometry-based agreement with Florida InternationalUniversity. The company will be collaborating with the University's departmentof chemistry and biochemistry and its International Forensics ResearchInstitute to advance approaches for identifying and characterizing designerdrugs. Agilent and Florida International University will seek to develop andvalidate new methods for rapid forensic screening and analysis utilizingadvanced chromatography and mass-spectrometry systems such as LC-QQQ-MS/MS,LC-QTOF-MS, GC/MS and GC/MS/MS.
Designer drugs consist of novel analogs or derivatives ofunlawful drug compounds synthesized to mimic illegal recreational drugs, andinclude classes such as phenethylamines, cathinones, tryptamines, piperazinesand synthetic cannabinoids.
"Since routine immunoassay drug-screening methods are unableto detect most of the hundreds of individual designer drugs that have been identified,we are working with Agilent to develop advanced analytical methods to screenand confirm the presence of such drugs in both ante- and post-mortemspecimens," Dr. Anthony DeCaprio, associate professor and director of theForensic & Analytical Toxicology facility at Florida InternationalUniversity's International Forensic Research Institute, said in a press releaseregarding the collaboration. "Recently, we validated a method for the detectionand quantification of 32 designer drugs in serum, including 24 phenethylamines,four piperazines and four tryptamines. In collaboration with Agilent, we willcontinue to expand our tandem mass-spectral library to approximately 300designer drugs."
SOURCE: Agilent press release

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Drug Discovery News November 2024 Issue
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