The two projects, approved following a joint call forsubmissions, will provide financial support to advance instrumentation andmeasurement techniques related to metabolomics in plant microbiology, massspectrometry and bioenergy. Launched in October 2011, the call for submissionsaims to identify, select and support world-class research projects to createknowledge and communicate results in the international scientific community.This will be done through close technical collaboration between leading facultymembers in the State of São Paulo and Agilent researchers.
One of the approved projects will involve the systematicstudy of the metabolites resulting from cellular processes under specificenvironmental and physiological conditions, specifically a study of thephysiological response of eucalyptus in the presence of high CO2 concentrationsand temperature variations.
The second study will identify volatile compounds producedby Brazilian cyanobacteria and explore their effects on other organisms in theecosystem.
"Agilent's partnership with FAPESP underscores ourcommitment to multinational research and to Brazil, a strategic growth area forus," said Mike McMullen, president of Agilent's Chemical Analysis Group, in astatement. "We look forward to our collaboration with leading researchers atthe University of São Paulo and State University of Campinas and the resultingadvances in fundamental understanding of important plants and microbesindigenous to Brazil."
Approved projects will run for up to 36 months.