MARTINSRIED, Germany and LONDON—MorphoSys AG reportsthat its research and diagnostic antibodies unit AbD Serotec has signed anexclusive license agreement with UCL Business PLC (UCLB), the technologydevelopment company of University College London. The agreement providesAbD Serotec with worldwide exclusive access to a potent anti-PTH antibody for commercialuse in research and diagnostic applications. The anti-PTH antibody forms thebasis of an existing relationship between AbD Serotec and a leading diagnosticcompany which markets clinical parathyroid hormone assays.
"Our goal is to achieve a market-leadingposition in those areas we see as our sweet spots. In this particular case, theanti-PTH antibody sourced from our relationship with University College Londonhas already allowed us to forge a first supply agreement with a leadingdiagnostic company. We have thus decided to expand this strong position andtake an exclusive license for this product from UCLB," says Dieter Feger, headof AbD Serotec.
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is the most importantregulator of calcium levels in the human body. When blood calcium becomes toolow, calcium-sensing receptors in the parathyroid gland are activated andparathyroid hormone is secreted, thereby mobilizing calcium release from boneand suppressing calcium loss in urine. Measurement of PTH is important indetermining the cause of excessively high or low calcium levels. High levelsmay be due to a parathyroid gland tumor, which is usually benign (primaryhyperparathyroidism) or secondary hyperparathyroidism, which is usually aresult of kidney failure. Low levels may be the result of a failure of theparathyroid gland. In primary hyperparathyroidism the parathyroid tumor must beremoved.
PTH assays are used as a routine clinical tool todetect decreases in plasma PTH levels after all diseased tissue has beenexcised, even while surgery is taking place. The test allows a more limitedprocedure by confirming complete removal of diseased tissue and has reduced theneed for repeated surgery. PTH assays in other conditions provide clinicianswith important information that assists in managing patients with abnormalcalcium levels.