A capitol idea -- AACR 2013 conference preview (Part 2)

More information about the annual meeting and more photos from Washington, D.C.

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Professional and career advancement
As AACR notes, its ProfessionalAdvancement Sessions have long been "an integral part of the annual meetingexperience, representing our dedication to the education, training and careeradvancement of cancer researchers," with sessions designed to provide importantskills to investigators at all levels, from high school students to senior faculty.
16th Annual Grant Writing Workshop
Saturday, April 6, Noon-5:00 p.m.
This intensive half-day workshopfeatures keynote presentations, a mock study section and time for roundtablediscussions with senior scientists. This session is aimed toward associatemembers and nonmember graduate students, medical students and residents, andclinical and postdoctoral fellows with limited or no experience in preparinggrant applications.
Annual Career Fair
Saturday, April 6
At the AACR Sixth Annual Cancerand Biomedical Research Career Fair, recruiters from academia, industry andgovernment will meet and connect with researchers and clinicians at all careerlevels. The career fair is free to all job seekers, and recruiters will havefree access to interview rooms throughout the Annual Meeting. For moreinformation, visit www.aacr.org/careerfair.
Career Conversations
Organized by AACR's AssociateMember Council, these are informal networking and discussion sessions designedfor early-career scientists. Sessions take place in the Associate MemberResource and Career Center at the meeting, and limited seating is available.The offerings are: Career Mentoring Session, Career Paths in Cancer DrugDevelopment, Careers Beyond the Bench for Cancer Researchers, Careers inClinical and Translational Cancer Research Roundtable and Designing andDelivering Effective Scientific Presentations.
Eighth Annual Undergraduate Student Caucus and PosterCompetition
This session gives undergraduatesthe opportunity to learn more about current research in the cancer field, hearfrom investigators about educational pathways and career development, explorecareer options in the cancer field and compete for monetary prizes whilepresenting their research.
Meet the Research Pioneer
Meet the Research Pioneer Sessionsare organized by the Associate Member Council and are intended for early-careerscientists. These sessions provide a special opportunity to meet esteemedresearchers in a small group setting to discuss their career path and theirvision for the future of their particular field of interest. Limited seating isavailable on a first-come, first-served basis, and the offerings are:Mentorship in Cancer Research: Fostering Excellence, Navigating the Road to aSuccessful Career in Cancer Research and Professional Networking: The Gatewayto Scientific Collaborations.
Special Program for High School Students: The Conquest ofCancer and the Next Generation of Cancer Researchers
This free, interactive program isdesigned to inspire students to pursue careers in cancer research and thebiomedical sciences. Students learn about cancer from the experts whileinteracting with scientists, physicians and their peers. The program includeslectures, tours of the exhibits and poster areas with mentors and a networkinglunch. Local students and children and/or students of AACR members and of otherannual meeting registrants are eligible to register.

M Street is Georgetown's main shopping street,and tends to be known primarily for stores that are part of major chains orbear well-known names, though many smaller boutique and specialty shops can befound nearby as well. In addition to the stores and restaurants at streetlevel, there are also many located underground in the Georgetown Shops.
CREDIT: Destination DC

Technology at the AACR Annual Meeting 2013
The AACR notes that it "isdedicated to bringing you the latest innovations in mobile technology toenhance and facilitate" the annual meeting experience, with the following beingnotable offerings in that regard:
Free wireless web access
Wireless Internet access will beavailable to meeting attendees in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
Online proceedings and AACR Itinerary Planner
This tool allows for users tosearch all annual meeting presentations (including all proffered abstracts) byauthor/speaker, title word and keyword and create a personal itinerary for themeeting.
Mobile itineraries
Personal itineraries created inthe Itinerary Planner above can be exported as an iCalendar file into users'personal Outlook, Google Calendar or Apple iCal applications. Itineraries arealso available as an HTML page that can be emailed to users' smartphones(iPhone, Palm Pre/Centro, HTC Touch Pro and Blackberry Curve/Storm/Pearl) foruse during the meeting.
Mobile Proceedings
The digital edition of the Proceedings of the AACR will containabstracts of all proffered papers accepted for presentation as well as theextended abstracts submitted by invited speakers. The abstracts will beavailable in mobile and e-pub file formats for download to the Amazon Kindle,iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Sony Reader and the Barnes & Noble Nook.
Proceedings CD-ROM
Users will be able to search andbrowse all annual meeting abstract presentations by author/speaker, title word,keyword and session type. However, unlike in past years, beginning with 2013,the AACR Annual Meeting CD-ROM will only be available for purchase.
Annual Meeting 2013 app
As the AACR says, you can "carry the annual meetingwith you wherever you go—with or without a network connection, thanks to theProgram Guide App, which is available in native versions to serve users ofiPhone, iPad and Android devices (including the Kindle Fire) as well as abrowser-based version for use on most web-enabled smartphones and tablets." TheProgram Guide App offers the following features:
  • Native storage: Oncedownloaded, all app content and functionality is stored natively on your Appleor Android device and can be accessed without an Internet connection.
  • Meeting abstracts: Thefull text of more than 6,100 abstracts will be stored natively in the Apple andAndroid Apps, so you have ready access to the poster session and minisymposiumpresentations.
  • Personal itinerary:Sessions can be bookmarked and saved to an itinerary folder to create apersonal schedule for the meeting and can by synced to local device calendars.
  • Notes: User can takenotes on sessions, presenters or exhibitors and store them natively in the appor e-mail them to themselves or colleagues.
  • Search/Browse: Userscan search or browse annual meeting sessions by type, title, topic or organsite, or even the complete list of invited and proffered presentation titles bykeyword or presenter. Exhibitors can be searched or browsed by company name orproduct category.
  • Maps: Detailed floor plansof all annual meeting venues—including the complete exhibit hall and poster areamap as well as the hotel and bus route map—are stored natively in the app foreasy browsing. 
As in previous years, the AACRwill make the opening ceremony, the major plenary sessions and the awardlectures available free as streaming video. In addition, attendees can purchaseexclusive online streaming access to the audio and slides of all scientificsessions presented at the AACR Annual Meeting 2013.

Dedicated on May 2, 1997, by President BillClinton, the FDR Memorial is more than just the statue shown here, spreadingover 7.5 acres and tracing 12 years of the history of the United States througha sequence of four outdoor rooms, one for each of Franklin Delano Roosevelt'sterms of office.
CREDIT: Destination DC

Publications at the annual meeting
New this year, the final programof the annual meeting in print form, as opposed to the online Itinerary Planneror the Program Guide App, will be available only by advance request duringadvance registration. There is no charge for the physical program, but thefocus is now on the digital versions, and late registrants who want physicalprograms will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Proceedings of the AACR publication will contain abstracts of allproffered papers accepted for presentation as well as the extended abstractssubmitted by invited speakers, but copies had to be ordered in advance toensure receipt. After the annual meeting, any remaining copies will beavailable for $75 each plus shipping.
Finally, the Education Book will contain what AACR calls "state-of-the-artoverviews" from speakers in the Educational Sessions and Methods Workshopstaking place on Saturday, April 6. It will be available free online athttp://educationbook.aacrjournals.org after the meeting, but attendees can alsoobtain a free print copy onsite by request.

Future Annual Meetings
April 5-9, 2014
San Diego
April 18-22, 2015
April 16-20, 2016
New Orleans

The Washington Monument celebrated its 125thanniversary in 2010. The architectural design for the towering structure waschosen in 1836, but the cornerstone wasn't laid until 1848, and then the CivilWar put everything on hold—it wasn't until the U.S. Army Corps of Engineerstook over that the structure was finally completed in 1884 and then dedicatedon Feb. 21, 1885.
CREDIT: National Park Service

This aerial view of the Lincoln Memorial, whichwas built in the form of a Greek Doric temple, provides a view of a largesection of the National Mall in which is sits. The memorial was designed byarchitect Henry Bacon and the sculptor of the huge statue inside—of AbrahamLincoln—was Daniel Chester French. Interior murals were painted by JulesGuerin.
CREDIT: Jason Hawkes

The national World War II Memorial opened to thepublic on April 29, 2004, and was dedicated by President George W. Bush on May29, 2004, two days before Memorial Day. The memorial is administered by theNational Park Service under its National Mall and Memorial Parks group.
CREDIT: Destination DC

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